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I think Montresor is a horrific character. He is obviously educated and wealthy (He has servants, he understands Latin, he is a wine connoisseur), and he uses those advantages to the fullest. Throughout the story, he manipulates Fortunato and hints at his demise (Noting the bones in the crypt, "worrying" about his cough, showing the evidence that he is a stonemason.) What makes Montresor's actions more sick is that he gives no justification for Fortunato's murder. Not once does Montresor tell the reader what Fortunato has done to him to deserve such punishment. In my opinion, Montresor is more the Antagonist than the Protagonist.
I think that the main character, Montresor, is a clever person. I think this because he calls Fortunato is his friend, even after Fortunato does something bad to him, so that Montresor could stay on his good side. Once Montresor got Fortunato deep into the chamber, he trapped him inside and left him to die underneath his mansion. :)
I think that the main character in The Cask of Amontillado, Montresor is clever throughout the the story. This is because he was about to lure Fortuanto into chamber. Also because he calls him his friend, although Fortuanto did something bad to him, yet he is still able to get him to die under his mansion. :)
To me the main character has great pride in himself. He was willing to go as far as murder to avenge that pride that he had thought had been stepped on. In the story, even as he narrates, he still refers to Fortunato as a good friend, but he still continues to twist and mold the situation so that he can get his revenge without having to fear getting into trouble. These actions show that Montresor will go to any length to preserve his own pride after being insulted. Montresor is prideful, but still twisted.
I think that the main character Montresor is a very clever person because, he can convince Fortunato to go in to the basement. He is also a very menesing person because he will threaten you to get what he wants. Finally, Montresor is a lier because he also uses that technique to get what he wants.
I think that the main character in ( Montresor ) is smart through the story. This is because he was about to make Fortuanto fallow him into a chamber. Also because he thinks he is a friend. Yet he is still able to get Fortuanato to die under his mansion.
After reading this, I had a few different thoughts about the main character,Montresor. He had a weird but clever side to him that I did not like. It was weird when he wanted to seek revenge on Fortunado and went up to him in a black silk mask. He is clever because he is very educated and wealthy and he knows how to use them to be successful.
The main character Monstresor is very a well known man, and a very clever because Fortunato has done something bad to Monstesor and he was willing to give Fortunato another chance!! :) what a good good man! Montresor is a strong man of letting things go after be insulted. but still a wierd man though.
iThink the Main Character Montresor is Very Clever and Has Much Pride in Himself. He Lures Fortunato Who Has Hurt Him Many Times Into These CataCombs Under His HOuse Were He Leads Him To Certain Death
The main character is Montresor. He is a stone mason. He has his own network of vaults. He had this "friend" named Fortunato. Apparently Fortunato insulted Montresor. even though it docent give the details in the story. Montresor is really crazy to me. he wants to kill a man because he insults him. i wouldn't want to have a friend like that because he might kill me over a joke. that is what i think about Montresor.
Montresors was a pretty bad guy. Because he didn't give the reason why he was doing this to him. He just said fortunato did mean things to him. Then he teased fortunato by saying that he was a mason but not a mason in the cult thing but a stone mason. Also it was really messed up when he chained fortunato up and made a wall around him. But in the end who was really the looser because fortunato never responded to montresor and montresor was heartbroken because of the caves but really i think he was sad fortunato didn't say anything else.
I think that the main character Monstresor is a clever person because, he was very convincing. He practically can get away with anything and get what he wants because he knows how to get under your skin! He therefore is nothing but a lier and trickster! (:
I think the main character, Montresor is intelligent because he got Fortunato to go into the chamber. He did call Fortunato his good friend throughout the story, but never said what Fortunato did to deserve to be murdered. In my opinion Montresor is a very bright but manipulative person, and kind of scary. :P
I think that Montresor is i a very smart man because in the story he had Fortunato go to the basement when he wanted him to go down. He is also a very menacing person. The reason why he is a menacing person is because he tried to kill fortunato at least a couple of times. He will make you do what he wants. But he may not get to kill you. This is what i think about Montresor
I think Montresor is a very clever and exacting man. He plans everything out very crucially to the very last detail. He made sure Fortunado would make it out of the catacombs. For example he knew that Fortunado would react badly to the niter and would offer him wine to soothe the cough. He knew that if Fortunado was intoxicated he would be easier ti chain to the stone wall. And above all of that he doesn't provide a reason for killing Fortunado. In the end though, Montresor ultimately gets his "revenge".
The main character "Montresor" was a very clever man. He can be a twisted person from time to time. He was a very planned out man. He found a way to get Fortunato under his mansion and then he trapped him under their so that he can die.
to me the main charecter had great respect for the stuff he did in life. i also believe that he has great pride in himself. i believe that he did not know what to expect what he was getting himself in to when he was going on this adventure. he did however manege to over come certain opsticals that stood in his way.
the main character to me is smart. the way he planned the whole thing out and his belief in revenge. this character is probably a little crazy because he commits a murder and puts a guy in a crypt. over all he is a crazy, smart, weird guy
The main character to me is smart, clever, and sneaky. He wants revenge on Fortunato for his family and he takes him down to the catacombs and chains him up to a wall and puts another wall up to trap him. He then later on dies in a crypt.
the main character has great respect for everything in life. i think that he didn't expect anything from this adventure and i also think that he did over come certain obstacles that stood in his way he also is a very clever man and can be a twisted person from time to time. Montresor is a very planed out man
i think montresor is clever and has plenty of pride in himself . fortunato did something to montresor so montresor lured fortunato into these catacombs so he can barricade him and get his revenge. so he is very clever and has a lot of pride in himself.
the main character to me is smart. doing all that work and trying to find the smartest way to seek revenge on montressor then, when he makes it to the end of the story he makes it and gets his revenge. his mistivious mind made him fall for it so over all it think fortionato is a smart man.
I think that the main character Montresor was a very wise and rich man. He knew how to trick Fortunado and keep him from suspecting any thing. The way he acted concerned about Fortunado's caugh. Showing that he was a stones man an the bones for evidence. I think he murdered Fortunado in the way he did because he would suffer down there. I think that he was also clever because he planned out everything and knew how to take things step by step in the way he planned the murder
the main character , Montresor was clever because he was convincing enough to lour fortunato into the chamber to kill him. By doing that he is smart and had a good strategy of getting back at him.
The main character to me is cruel. The reason why is because even though your getting revenge like why couldn't he do something that wouldn't "hurt" him? I think he's crazy because putting Fortunato in a crypt, then killing him. That wasn't really necessary!
The main character,Montresor was a wealthy educated individual. He was spooky in a way because of the way he talked and that his underground hallways contained the remains of his family. My main thought about Montresor is that he is very unpredictable and is dangerous because of that.
I think that Montresor is a smart, dark and twisted man. To his advantage of knowing Fortunato is an excellent wine taster he trick him to coming to taste the amontillado. In a dark and twisted way he kind of tells Fortunato that he is going to kill him, like how when Fortunato was coughing and he said a cough won't kill him, so knowing that he will die Montresor says,"True". He picks the carnival season to do this because it is supposed to be happy time, so he tricks him and locks him into the crypt.
I thing the main character of "the cast of amontillado" is montresor he was a very wise man but crazy at times like when he planned to kill fortunado and put him in a crypt.
I think that the main character Montreor is thinking things out through. The way he got Fortunato to come with him with out having Fortunato wondering what he is wanting him to do. Fortunato then gets stuck in a bad place and the ends up dieing.
T he main character is Montresor he is a wealth man who has planned out a revenge plan. Montresor is a mason which is a stones man he uses his experience to seek revenge. Montresor tells fortunato that he can't taste weather if this wine is amontillado or not . so they walk down into the vaults to fetch the wine bottle. Fortunato is drunk and sick he is coughing but he keeps going saying a cough won't kill him. wen they reach this area in a vault montresor gets fortunato chained to a wall. Montresor uses his mason skills to build a wall and trap him in. Fortunato laughs as if it is a joke . Montersor received his revenge with the victim knowing he didn't but as wells as not getting caught
In my opinion Montresor is a very bright but manipulative person, and really scary. He said Fortunado was his friend but in the end he murdered him. He planned everything out and was very convincing. In the end he got his "revenge."
The main character "Montresor" is a clever and persuasive man. Montresor gets on Forunatos good side by still considering him his friend after what he did to Montresor. Montresor convinces Fortunato to go town to the catacombs for the Amontillado that is claimed to be down there. After a long walk through the catacombs Montresor and Fortunato walk in to a room where the wine is to be. Being heavily intoxicated Fortunato walks up to a wall and is chained up to the wall by Montresor. Montresor builds a wall covering Fortunato to let him die. this is why i think the story is good.
I think "Montresor" was a very smart man to trap Fortenauto in a tight crypt just to get The Cask of Amontillado he also killedFortenauto with his rapier so no one would know what that he killed him just for the cask. I also think that he is very smart because he planned the whole thing from the beginning. Montresor is a very crazy man, he is also a genius but very evil.
In my opinion Montresor is a very bright but manipulative person, and really scary. He said Fortunado was his friend but in the end he murdered him. He planned everything out and was very convincing. In the end he got his "revenge."
In my opinion Montresor is a very bright but manipulative person, and really scary. He said Fortunado was his friend but in the end he murdered him. He planned everything out and was very convincing. In the end he got his "revenge."
the main character Montresor is a very cruel and unforgiving man because Fortunado did something really bad that he probably regretted ever doing to Monstresor and Monstresor didnt forgive him so he put him in a crypt and killed him which is not really necessary because if he wanted to get revenge then he should of did something more respectful instead of ending someones for reals who would kill someone because of something really bad that happened they should show some respect and actually do some revenge that doesnt lead to any killing...:)stupid cruel people need to get a life....:)
the main character Montresor is a very cruel and unforgiving man because Fortunado did something really bad that he probably regretted ever doing to Monstresor and Monstresor didnt forgive him so he put him in a crypt and killed him which is not really necessary because if he wanted to get revenge then he should of did something more respectful instead of ending someones for reals who would kill someone because of something really bad that happened they should show some respect and actually do some revenge that doesnt lead to any killing...:)stupid cruel people need to get a life....:)
In my opinion the character Montresor is a kind of scary yet clever man. The reason why I think this is because he lures Fortunado into the catacombs by tricking him. Also he was wealthy and he seemed well educated too. Altogether he was just one cruel and twisted man.
this story seemed to be a dark, very emotional story about a man who was wronged by his old friend and now seeks revenge. Now the main character Montresore seemed to me as a psychotic man who takes revenge a little to far by trapping his "old friend" in a crypt and sealing him there.So Montresore seems to me that he is a creepy old man who thinks that because he was wronged in some way that he has to get revenge by killing the man who wrong him. He is a emotionally unstable person who needs to take a chill pill so to speak.
he montresor is a very manipulative person. He said Fortunado was his friend but in the end he murdered him. He planned everything out and was very convincing. In the end he got his revenge.
i think the main character Montrestor is clever but cruel. He killed Fortunado in a very cruel way. he lift him there to die. it was clever tho because no one will find Fortunado and no one will ever know what happened therefor Montrestor will never get caught.
This story is very confusing to me. The character that i thing is the most confusing is montresor. He is a man filled enough with hate to kill a man by trapping him in a closet size hole. The mans name that he trapped was called fortunaudo. I am still wondering why montresor killed fourtionaudo because he seemed like a nice man but was sort of a drunk. So yet i still thing that montresor is a crazy man that has some sort of anger management issue.
This story was confusing to me at first then i started to catch on and i thought to my self what had Fortunado done to montresor that it was bad enough to kill him over over all i think revenge is good to a point but killing some one with out proof of cause is taking it to far. Over the years i bet Montresor regretted killing Fortunado and felt bad about what he had done in the past.
i think montressour is a very mean person and he is manipulative. killing fortunado under his mansion was a good idea to keep a secret but he shouldnt have done it so drastically.
the main character Montresor is that he is a very mean man for way he did to Fortunado. He got lead to what was his death and he was so drunk that he didn't even notice that something bad was going to happened to him by the main character Monstresor. And that he shouldn't have killed Fortunado in the crypt. he was very stupid.!!!!!!!=] ash
I thought that Montressor was a very cruel man. He did not much like to forgive people for something they have done to him. Montressor had wished to get revenge on Fortunato. After all, he finally did by putting him in a crypt and eventually killing him. Overall, I thought that this was an intelligent and very entertaining story. Edgar Allen Poe was a very creative author :)
After Reading the story "The Cask Of Amantilliano", and the spark notes, i've come to a conclusion that Montresor (the main character; is not only a cruel person, but smart and mischievous as well. I've said this because he did a surplus of things that put him in all those categories. He was cruel, to let a man starve and dehydrate to death, but letting him know that it was coming at the same time. He was smart and rich because he understood Latin and of course planned and amazing plot and succeeded without any flaw. Rich because he had servants and was a wine connoisseur. By tricking Fortunato with his favorites desire, he led him deep within his vault only to let him die. Pretending to care for him as he had this horrible cough and showing him the skeletons and letting him know that he was a stonemason. Made him Mischievous. After all he was basically hinting to his "good friend" that he was about to die. I do have admiration in this character because he had planned this whole thing and did not get caught. However I am still stumped and would like to know what Fortuanto did to Montresor to make him want to get "Revenge", or in this case kill him?
I think the main character Montresor is a very mysterious man. The ways he made fortunato do things was clever. For example he picked fortunato off the streets very intoxicated. Which canceled his abilitys and thinking. Montresor took advantage of this and told fortunato that he has wine that he thinks is amontillado but is not sure. He then tells fortunato that he will seek a man called luchesi. Fortunato cocky, and bragging says that this man could not tell sherri from wine. When he leads him down to the vault there is bones everywhere that is very mysterious and dark. As he chains and starts building the wall of the crypt, fortunato that now is very heavily intoxicated doesnt reply to Montresors calls to him.This is why i think Montresor was a very cruel dark, and mysterious man.
The story was somewhat confusing, although I did understand some things. It made sense that Montresor at first was mad at Fortunato, but decided to play on his good side in order to gain his trust. Once Montresor took him down into the vaults, it was a sure thing, and since he left him down there where nobody will ever find him, Montresor will not get caught.
I think this story was a little confusing at times. I think the main character, Montressor, was kind of crazy when he he locked fortunate in the crypt.
i think that the main character is smart because after forunato did something to make him mad he still called him his friend and led him to believe that they were friends to trick him and then in the end he killed him.
I think Montresor is a horrific character. He is obviously educated and wealthy (He has servants, he understands Latin, he is a wine connoisseur), and he uses those advantages to the fullest. Throughout the story, he manipulates Fortunato and hints at his demise (Noting the bones in the crypt, "worrying" about his cough, showing the evidence that he is a stonemason.) What makes Montresor's actions more sick is that he gives no justification for Fortunato's murder. Not once does Montresor tell the reader what Fortunato has done to him to deserve such punishment. In my opinion, Montresor is more the Antagonist than the Protagonist.
ReplyDeleteI think that the main character, Montresor, is a clever person. I think this because he calls Fortunato is his friend, even after Fortunato does something bad to him, so that Montresor could stay on his good side. Once Montresor got Fortunato deep into the chamber, he trapped him inside and left him to die underneath his mansion. :)
ReplyDeleteI think that the main character in The Cask of Amontillado, Montresor is clever throughout the the story. This is because he was about to lure Fortuanto into chamber. Also because he calls him his friend, although Fortuanto did something bad to him, yet he is still able to get him to die under his mansion. :)
ReplyDeleteTo me the main character has great pride in himself. He was willing to go as far as murder to avenge that pride that he had thought had been stepped on. In the story, even as he narrates, he still refers to Fortunato as a good friend, but he still continues to twist and mold the situation so that he can get his revenge without having to fear getting into trouble. These actions show that Montresor will go to any length to preserve his own pride after being insulted. Montresor is prideful, but still twisted.
ReplyDeleteI think that the main character Montresor is a very clever person because, he can convince Fortunato to go in to the basement. He is also a very menesing person because he will threaten you to get what he wants. Finally, Montresor is a lier because he also uses that technique to get what he wants.
ReplyDeletethis summary is about a man named montress who gets revenge on a nother man named fortunato. he got revenge by killing him in a crypt.
ReplyDeleteI think that the main character in ( Montresor ) is smart through the story. This is because he was about to make Fortuanto fallow him into a chamber. Also because he thinks he is a friend. Yet he is still able to get Fortuanato to die under his mansion.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this, I had a few different thoughts about the main character,Montresor. He had a weird but clever side to him that I did not like. It was weird when he wanted to seek revenge on Fortunado and went up to him in a black silk mask. He is clever because he is very educated and wealthy and he knows how to use them to be successful.
ReplyDeleteThe main character Monstresor is very a well known man, and a very clever because Fortunato has done something bad to Monstesor and he was willing to give Fortunato another chance!! :) what a good good man! Montresor is a strong man of letting things go after be insulted. but still a wierd man though.
ReplyDeletethis story was good because it was about man get revenge on a other man
ReplyDeleteby kill him in a crypt
iThink the Main Character Montresor is Very Clever and Has Much Pride in Himself. He Lures Fortunato Who Has Hurt Him Many Times Into These CataCombs Under His HOuse Were He Leads Him To Certain Death
ReplyDeleteThe main character is Montresor. He is a stone mason. He has his own network of vaults. He had this "friend" named Fortunato. Apparently Fortunato insulted Montresor. even though it docent give the details in the story. Montresor is really crazy to me. he wants to kill a man because he insults him. i wouldn't want to have a friend like that because he might kill me over a joke. that is what i think about Montresor.
ReplyDeleteMontresors was a pretty bad guy. Because he didn't give the reason why he was doing this to him. He just said fortunato did mean things to him. Then he teased fortunato by saying that he was a mason but not a mason in the cult thing but a stone mason. Also it was really messed up when he chained fortunato up and made a wall around him. But in the end who was really the looser because fortunato never responded to montresor and montresor was heartbroken because of the caves but really i think he was sad fortunato didn't say anything else.
ReplyDeletethis story was good becuse it was about men trying to get revenge
ReplyDeleteI think that the main character Monstresor is a clever person because, he was very convincing. He practically can get away with anything and get what he wants because he knows how to get under your skin! He therefore is nothing but a lier and trickster! (:
ReplyDeleteI think the main character, Montresor is intelligent because he got Fortunato to go into the chamber. He did call Fortunato his good friend throughout the story, but never said what Fortunato did to deserve to be murdered. In my opinion Montresor is a very bright but manipulative person, and kind of scary. :P
ReplyDeleteI think Montressor is a bad dude because he cant take the right path and let it go. But instead he gets revenge on Fortunato by killing hem.
ReplyDeleteI think that Montresor is i a very smart man because in the story he had Fortunato go to the basement when he wanted him to go down. He is also a very menacing person. The reason why he is a menacing person is because he tried to kill fortunato at least a couple of times. He will make you do what he wants. But he may not get to kill you. This is what i think about Montresor
ReplyDeleteI think Montresor is a very clever and exacting man. He plans everything out very crucially to the very last detail. He made sure Fortunado would make it out of the catacombs. For example he knew that Fortunado would react badly to the niter and would offer him wine to soothe the cough. He knew that if Fortunado was intoxicated he would be easier ti chain to the stone wall. And above all of that he doesn't provide a reason for killing Fortunado. In the end though, Montresor ultimately gets his "revenge".
ReplyDeletefurtunato he was kill by revenge and put in a crypt
ReplyDeleteThe main character "Montresor" was a very clever man. He can be a twisted person from time to time. He was a very planned out man. He found a way to get Fortunato under his mansion and then he trapped him under their so that he can die.
ReplyDeleteto me the main charecter had great respect for the stuff he did in life. i also believe that he has great pride in himself. i believe that he did not know what to expect what he was getting himself in to when he was going on this adventure. he did however manege to over come certain opsticals that stood in his way.
ReplyDeletethe main character to me is smart. the way he planned the whole thing out and his belief in revenge. this character is probably a little crazy because he commits a murder and puts a guy in a crypt. over all he is a crazy, smart, weird guy
ReplyDeleteThe main character to me is smart, clever, and sneaky. He wants revenge on Fortunato for his family and he takes him down to the catacombs and chains him up to a wall and puts another wall up to trap him. He then later on dies in a crypt.
ReplyDeletethe main character has great respect for everything in life. i think that he didn't expect anything from this adventure and i also think that he did over come certain obstacles that stood in his way he also is a very clever man and can be a twisted person from time to time. Montresor is a very planed out man
ReplyDeletei think montresor is clever and has plenty of pride in himself . fortunato did something to montresor so montresor lured fortunato into these catacombs so he can barricade him and get his revenge. so he is very clever and has a lot of pride in himself.
ReplyDeletethe main character to me is smart. doing all that work and trying to find the smartest way to seek revenge on montressor then, when he makes it to the end of the story he makes it and gets his revenge. his mistivious mind made him fall for it so over all it think fortionato is a smart man.
ReplyDeleteI think that the main character Montresor was a very wise and rich man. He knew how to trick Fortunado and keep him from suspecting any thing. The way he acted concerned about Fortunado's caugh. Showing that he was a stones man an the bones for evidence. I think he murdered Fortunado in the way he did because he would suffer down there. I think that he was also clever because he planned out everything and knew how to take things step by step in the way he planned the murder
ReplyDeletethe main character , Montresor was clever because he was convincing enough to lour fortunato into the chamber to kill him. By doing that he is smart and had a good strategy of getting back at him.
ReplyDeleteThe main character to me is cruel. The reason why is because even though your getting revenge like why couldn't he do something that wouldn't "hurt" him? I think he's crazy because putting Fortunato in a crypt, then killing him. That wasn't really necessary!
ReplyDeleteThe main character,Montresor was a wealthy educated individual. He was spooky in a way because of the way he talked and that his underground hallways contained the remains of his family. My main thought about Montresor is that he is very unpredictable and is dangerous because of that.
ReplyDeleteMontresor is the main character and he get revenge on Fortunato. He builds a wall and live him there to die.
ReplyDeleteI think that Montresor is a smart, dark and twisted man. To his advantage of knowing Fortunato is an excellent wine taster he trick him to coming to taste the amontillado. In a dark and twisted way he kind of tells Fortunato that he is going to kill him, like how when Fortunato was coughing and he said a cough won't kill him, so knowing that he will die Montresor says,"True". He picks the carnival season to do this because it is supposed to be happy time, so he tricks him and locks him into the crypt.
ReplyDeleteI thing the main character of "the cast of amontillado" is montresor he was a very wise man but crazy at times like when he planned to kill fortunado and put him in a crypt.
ReplyDeletei think montresor is very smart. he is doing all this to find away to get revenge on montressor. so over all he is a clever n smart person.
ReplyDeleteI think that the main character Montreor is thinking things out through. The way he got Fortunato to come with him with out having Fortunato wondering what he is wanting him to do. Fortunato then gets stuck in a bad place and the ends up dieing.
ReplyDeleteT he main character is Montresor he is a wealth man who has planned out a revenge plan. Montresor is a mason which is a stones man he uses his experience to seek revenge. Montresor tells fortunato that he can't taste weather if this wine is amontillado or not . so they walk down into the vaults to fetch the wine bottle. Fortunato is drunk and sick he is coughing but he keeps going saying a cough won't kill him. wen they reach this area in a vault montresor gets fortunato chained to a wall. Montresor uses his mason skills to build a wall and trap him in. Fortunato laughs as if it is a joke . Montersor received his revenge with the victim knowing he didn't but as wells as not getting caught
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion Montresor is a very bright but manipulative person, and really scary. He said Fortunado was his friend but in the end he murdered him. He planned everything out and was very convincing. In the end he got his "revenge."
ReplyDeleteThe main character "Montresor" is a clever and persuasive man. Montresor gets on Forunatos good side by still considering him his friend after what he did to Montresor. Montresor convinces Fortunato to go town to the catacombs for the Amontillado that is claimed to be down there. After a long walk through the catacombs Montresor and Fortunato walk in to a room where the wine is to be. Being heavily intoxicated Fortunato walks up to a wall and is chained up to the wall by Montresor. Montresor builds a wall covering Fortunato to let him die. this is why i think the story is good.
ReplyDeleteI think "Montresor" was a very smart man to trap Fortenauto in a tight crypt just to get The Cask of Amontillado he also killedFortenauto with his rapier so no one would know what that he killed him just for the cask. I also think that he is very smart because he planned the whole thing from the beginning. Montresor is a very crazy man, he is also a genius but very evil.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion Montresor is a very bright but manipulative person, and really scary. He said Fortunado was his friend but in the end he murdered him. He planned everything out and was very convincing. In the end he got his "revenge."
ReplyDelete:D RAEGAN HONEY <3
In my opinion Montresor is a very bright but manipulative person, and really scary. He said Fortunado was his friend but in the end he murdered him. He planned everything out and was very convincing. In the end he got his "revenge."
ReplyDelete:D RAEGAN HONEY <3
the main character Montresor is a very cruel and unforgiving man because Fortunado did something really bad that he probably regretted ever doing to Monstresor and Monstresor didnt forgive him so he put him in a crypt and killed him which is not really necessary because if he wanted to get revenge then he should of did something more respectful instead of ending someones for reals who would kill someone because of something really bad that happened they should show some respect and actually do some revenge that doesnt lead to any killing...:)stupid cruel people need to get a life....:)
ReplyDeletethe main character Montresor is a very cruel and unforgiving man because Fortunado did something really bad that he probably regretted ever doing to Monstresor and Monstresor didnt forgive him so he put him in a crypt and killed him which is not really necessary because if he wanted to get revenge then he should of did something more respectful instead of ending someones for reals who would kill someone because of something really bad that happened they should show some respect and actually do some revenge that doesnt lead to any killing...:)stupid cruel people need to get a life....:)
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion the character Montresor is a kind of scary yet clever man. The reason why I think this is because he lures Fortunado into the catacombs by tricking him. Also he was wealthy and he seemed well educated too. Altogether he was just one cruel and twisted man.
ReplyDeletethis story seemed to be a dark, very emotional story about a man who was wronged by his old friend and now seeks revenge. Now the main character Montresore seemed to me as a psychotic man who takes revenge a little to far by trapping his "old friend" in a crypt and sealing him there.So Montresore seems to me that he is a creepy old man who thinks that because he was wronged in some way that he has to get revenge by killing the man who wrong him. He is a emotionally unstable person who needs to take a chill pill so to speak.
ReplyDeletehe montresor is a very manipulative person. He said Fortunado was his friend but in the end he murdered him. He planned everything out and was very convincing. In the end he got his revenge.
ReplyDeletethe dude was a complete idiot for killing him if he realy wanted revenge he should of just done what ever fortunado did.
ReplyDeletei think story is ok
ReplyDeletei think the main character Montrestor is clever but cruel. He killed Fortunado in a very cruel way. he lift him there to die. it was clever tho because no one will find Fortunado and no one will ever know what happened therefor Montrestor will never get caught.
ReplyDeleteThis story is very confusing to me. The character that i thing is the most confusing is montresor. He is a man filled enough with hate to kill a man by trapping him in a closet size hole. The mans name that he trapped was called fortunaudo. I am still wondering why montresor killed fourtionaudo because he seemed like a nice man but was sort of a drunk. So yet i still thing that montresor is a crazy man that has some sort of anger management issue.
ReplyDeleteThis story was confusing to me at first then i started to catch on and i thought to my self what had Fortunado done to montresor that it was bad enough to kill him over over all i think revenge is good to a point but killing some one with out proof of cause is taking it to far. Over the years i bet Montresor regretted killing Fortunado and felt bad about what he had done in the past.
ReplyDeletei think montressour is a very mean person and he is manipulative. killing fortunado under his mansion was a good idea to keep a secret but he shouldnt have done it so drastically.
ReplyDeletethe main character Montresor is that he is a very mean man for way he did to Fortunado. He got lead to what was his death and he was so drunk that he didn't even notice that something bad was going to happened to him by the main character Monstresor. And that he shouldn't have killed Fortunado
ReplyDeletein the crypt. he was very stupid.!!!!!!!=]
I thought that Montressor was a very cruel man. He did not much like to forgive people for something they have done to him. Montressor had wished to get revenge on Fortunato. After all, he finally did by putting him in a crypt and eventually killing him. Overall, I thought that this was an intelligent and very entertaining story. Edgar Allen Poe was a very creative author :)
ReplyDeleteAfter Reading the story "The Cask Of Amantilliano", and the spark notes, i've come to a conclusion that Montresor (the main character; is not only a cruel person, but smart and mischievous as well. I've said this because he did a surplus of things that put him in all those categories. He was cruel, to let a man starve and dehydrate to death, but letting him know that it was coming at the same time. He was smart and rich because he understood Latin and of course planned and amazing plot and succeeded without any flaw. Rich because he had servants and was a wine connoisseur. By tricking Fortunato with his favorites desire, he led him deep within his vault only to let him die. Pretending to care for him as he had this horrible cough and showing him the skeletons and letting him know that he was a stonemason. Made him Mischievous. After all he was basically hinting to his "good friend" that he was about to die. I do have admiration in this character because he had planned this whole thing and did not get caught. However I am still stumped and would like to know what Fortuanto did to Montresor to make him want to get "Revenge", or in this case kill him?
ReplyDeleteI think the main character Montresor is a very mysterious man. The ways he made fortunato do things was clever. For example he picked fortunato off the streets very intoxicated. Which canceled his abilitys and thinking. Montresor took advantage of this and told fortunato that he has wine that he thinks is amontillado but is not sure. He then tells fortunato that he will seek a man called luchesi. Fortunato cocky, and bragging says that this man could not tell sherri from wine. When he leads him down to the vault there is bones everywhere that is very mysterious and dark. As he chains and starts building the wall of the crypt, fortunato that now is very heavily intoxicated doesnt reply to Montresors calls to him.This is why i think Montresor was a very cruel dark, and mysterious man.
ReplyDeletethe main character montresor was a very smart and cruel person
ReplyDeleteThe story was somewhat confusing, although I did understand some things. It made sense that Montresor at first was mad at Fortunato, but decided to play on his good side in order to gain his trust. Once Montresor took him down into the vaults, it was a sure thing, and since he left him down there where nobody will ever find him, Montresor will not get caught.
ReplyDeleteI think this story was a little confusing at times. I think the main character, Montressor, was kind of crazy when he he locked fortunate in the crypt.
ReplyDeleteThe story was alright and instead of killing the guy he should of handle it another way.
ReplyDeletei think that the main character is smart because after forunato did something to make him mad he still called him his friend and led him to believe that they were friends to trick him and then in the end he killed him.