Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Rhetorical skills

Click here You should read all sections within chapter six from the sparknotes test prep. After you have read all sections, return here and post a comment answering the questions: What strategies did you learn today for taking the ACT test? What is your main weakness for this question type? What is you goal for Friday's test (in terms of point increase from you first test)? To make your posts, sign in.


  1. These rhetorical skills really helped me to learn what the right answer should be. This will help me when taking English test by common sense and process of elimination.

  2. Some strategies we learned from the sparknotes test prep was to make sure we always read the entire passage so we can understand what the passage's tone and purpose is. If you do this you will also probably score better on the writing strategy questions portion as well. Another strategy is when you are answering questions that have to do with sentence organization make sure you read through and choose the answer that makes the most sense. Lastly try to use the right word choice and you will probably score better on the ACT. My main weakness is the writing strategy questions. My goal for Fridays test is to score higher then the first time we took the practice ACT test and I also want to try and improve on the rhetorical questions section of the test.

  3. I learned strategies of deduction in writing; Deciding where a sentence would best be placed within a paragraph, and how to recognize transitions, topic sentences, and the 'big picture purpose'. On Friday's test, I want my grammar skills to be improved.

  4. I Learned that in order to really be able to construct a good reasoning for a question, you have to read it. my thing was that i would read the questions then go back and find the answer. But you have to at least skim through the section provided. my weakness was that i didn't read through the whole passage, and thats what i plan to work on. my previous score was a 19, and i plan to raise it by at least two point. its not a huge jump but i would know that i improved just by reading the passage.

  5. In section 1 it told me to read the whole passage. In section 2 it showed me what to do with a strategy on how to know what is an error and what is right. In section 3 it tells me how paragraphs should be organized and how they should be formatted. In section 4 it told me how to recognize what kind of style that the writing is done in to help find the answers.

  6. There are many strarigies that i learned from each passage, but the main ones include: Identifying the tone of the passage, recoginizing the organiztion of the passage, and recognizing transitions in the passage. My main weakness would have to be not fully understanding what the passage is trying to say. I hope to increase my score by one or two points and see my grammar skills improve.

  7. What Ive learned from the ACT prep was to read and understand the passage so we can understand the passages meanning. It also help me learn on ideas of how to write on using proper word chioce and and identifying the tone of it. My goal for friday is to be able to score higher in all the ones that were lower and the ones i did good on.

  8. I learned how to identify Transitions & Topic Structures as well as The Big Picture Purpose and Additional Detail & Evidence. My main weak point in my Rhetorical Skills was Transitions & Topic Structures but after learning how to identify them and correctly answer the question, I will easily have that improved so I am able to score higher in my Rhetorical Skills on my test.

  9. From reading the chapter, I have learned that you should avoid the use of redundancy in English. I also learned how to better examine passage recognition problems.

  10. In section 1 it told me to read the whole story. In section 2 it showed me strategy to use on how to know what is an erro r and what is right. In section 3 it tells me how paragraphs should be formatted`` and how they should be `organized. In section 4 it told me how to identify what kind of style that the writing is done in to help find the answers.

  11. What I learned from this is that I need to fully read and understand the passage. One weak point in my rhetorical skills was identifying transitions. Once I learned how to correctly identify them though, I will be able to raise my score on the test

  12. What i learned from this site is too look at the big picture. There are many strategeies like identifying the passage and re- organizing the passage to your better understading. What my main weakness is, is transitions. So now that i have read this information hopefully i can improve my scores on the test.

  13. Some stategies that i learned from the spraknotes act test prep was to always read or at least skim over the entier passage. Also to know the topic you are reading like the tone of the passage and the purpose. It also helped by understanding these tips could help you score higher on your ACT. My weakest ponit on the ACT would be the transitions not really the topic sentence. My goal for the next test is to score higer and reaching the 30 range or at least close.

  14. My main weakness for this question type is probably passage recognition. My goal for Friday's test is to improve on my rhetorical and grammatical skills.

  15. What I learned from this site is too make sure you read every question, and to underline any words or transitions that you don't understand and try to figure them out. My weakest point on the ACT is I don't take my time and don't read the instructions. Also the transitions screw me up a lot. My goal for the next test is to read the instructions and take my time.

  16. What I learned from these articles is that the when writing the written response, the answer should be a direct yes or no answer if the topic correlates to that. There should be no off topic delegations or swaying back and forth between yes and no. When i write these articles, i used to bring up both points of views to the table just to see it from the other side. This helped me to understand what i was doing wrong in writing these piece's

  17. What I learned from this passage is that I need to pay more attention to my punctuation and I need to read passages fully. My goal is to improve all of my skills on the next test.

  18. What i learned form this site is that i need to fully understand what the passages are saying. One weak point that i noticed that i have is reading all of the passage and to understand the whole thing. And how to put some of the words together of how they would make sence within the passage or the sentence.

  19. i never new they looked for strageys that envoles saveral english skills. the math is also to rank you and others as well. often there is words that are common in every day english but are often cunfused do to the naturl of the sentence sructure.

  20. There are three categories of rhetorical skills: writing strategy, organization, and style.
    It is important for us to read the whole passage and get a basic idea of the subject. Writing strategy is a major part of skills, involving revision and editing.
    Organization is important to rhetorical skills, in order to determine how a passage will make the most sense.
    Style involved "effective word choice". This involves redundancy, making things too obvious. Appropriate word choice and tone are very vital in terms of style. The content most often hints at the tone of a passage. I've learned a lot from the ACT SparkNotes Test Prep. My goal for the next test is to improve my score or at least work on time management in order to complete the test fully. I would also like to better my understanding and try to recognize the category the questions fall in such as mechanics, grammar, or rhetorical questions. I would benefit from working on my rhetorical skills.

  21. there are many things i learned from each passage.i really did not get any thing from passage one but in passage two i it discribed the errors and how to not make as many. it really helped me by giving me a deal on what needs to be done and the rage of it

  22. The strategies that I learned for taking the ACT test are as follows:
    1) Be organized
    * Being organized is important for answering questions on the ACT test because it can help you find your answers easier. If everything is in chronological order (or some kind of order), you can save time by skimming through notes or key points you may have underlined rather than re-reading the whole passage just to answer one question.

    2) Read the whole passage
    * Not only is this great advice, it is also one of my biggest struggles. When I am taking a test and I see a large passage, I choose to ignore the reading and just skip straight to the questions, which is probably why I have so much trouble passing tests. Instead of just skipping the passage, I need to read the whole passage or at least skim through it.

    3) Underline key points
    * While reading (or skimming) through the passage, it is a good idea to underline key points that may be questions. Underline the main ideas, the most important details, so on and so forth.

    4) Read the questions first
    * By reading the questions first, I can know what I am looking for by reading (or skimming through) the passage.

    My main weakness for this question type is that I am to lazy and don't read the passage. I should probably work on that and read the passage to avoid putting wrong information as my answers.
    My goal for Fridays test is to get over my weakness and read the whole passage. :)

  23. Some Strategies I learned from spark notes is to read the whole passage no matter what you are looking for in a paragraph.Some Strategies I also found is to find the purpose of the paragraph so you could have a better understanding of, and that can help you in choosing answers to better fit a sentence.

  24. section 1 it is telling me that i need to read the directions and read all the passages. in section two it is telling us how to use this like strategy how to fix errors or find errors i think its a pretty useful strategy.After section 2 it tells us how to create a paragraph like how we have intro the two paragraphs and the conclusion.Then finally in section 3 it talks to on how to like read the paragraph and like sceme through it to like memorize for the answer.

  25. Well.. basically I need to go over understand what I am reading. Double check if I understand the text and read the WHOLE whatever it might be. And use information or evidence out of the text make sure everything at least makes sense to me. My weakest point in taking the act is that I dont exactly pay attention to what Im reading I skim through it to quickly and rush.

  26. I learned in the passage 1 that you at least need to look throught the passage your givin dont just skip it and go to the questions because it almost garenteed that you will get a few wrong. In passage 2, It says in order to sucessfully write a good esssay you need to do very carful revision and editing. in passage 3, It will helo tos tudy modifiers and learn how to put things in cronological order. In passage 4 you need to learn how to properly give the tone you intend and using good and the right word choice for your writing.

  27. I've learned from this was that I need to read all of the passage or at least skim through it so that you can have a better understanding of the passage that you are reading. Second, that it would be smart to underline specific transitions and/ or words that you don't understand. Third, to make sure that make sure that the passage has a good organization, like make sure that they all make logical sense. Fourth, to make sure that there is good and appropriate word choice to make the passage make sense. I think my weakest point is my rhetorical skills, because I'm not very good at writting stratagey, organization, or style. My goal for the next test is to make sure that I put all of these points into my way of testing.


  29. What I learned from the site is that you should read the whole paragraph. You should also underline any words that you dont understand and try to figure them out. They should also be organized so you know what you are doing. My weakest point is that I need to work on reading instructions. My goal is to read instructions and figure out words I dont know.

  30. After reading the four passages i learned that its inportant to have a good style because you will get out what you are trying to say more clearly. organazation is inportant to because it helps you do better explaing. when you read the whole passage it gives you better understanding. good stratagy is the key to a good thing.

  31. That SparkNotes say that to read the whole passage, writing strategy questions, organization, and style. That reading the whole passage you will get passage question more easy. The writing strategy questions is to find what the questions is saying. If being organizaton with senence, paragraph, and the pasage. Like know how the organization show how the question can be. Like style show what the paragraph is show how the writing is. My goal is to read the whole passage, wwriting strategy question.

  32. I basically learned you have to eliminate all the choices that you know aren't right. Then go back to the question or passage and see what choice makes the most sense. Also make sure you know what they're asking you to do. Read the whole passage and directions along with all the answers. My main weakness in rhetorical questions are knowing where the words go and what sentence is the right one. My goal for the ACT on friday is to get my rhetorical question score higher by learning which sentence makes more sense and how it should be worded.

  33. The SparkNotes Pretty mcuh tell you that you have to work through a process to do better in reading the whole passage, Writting stategy questions, Organization, and style. With reading the whole passage you got to read every single thing in order to understand whats going on or what you have to do. Writting strategy questions will help you break down the process and really understand what the passage is talking about. If your organized then it just makes things way easier for you. Then with stlye its what your more comfortable with, whats better for your eyes or whats even better for you to find something quick that your going to need it just all depends on what you trying to do. But style is one thing that can help you a lot in being better and sucsessful.

  34. What I learned from spark notes was to plan ahead to begin your writing. We must always think ahead before we write because if we gather ideas we end up finding a good plot and writing an essay. Everyone sometimes messes up their punctuation but you are stuck its best to check to make sure its right. My weakness is practically everything in writing i could use work on my spelling and punctuation. But on our test on friday im gonna be prepared by correcting my mistakes.

  35. What I learned is that we need to plan ahead. If we plan ahead it gives us better ideas to write. It tells you, you have to work a process to do better in reading the whole passage. I need to work on my punctuation and grammar. Also read carefully and look for correct/incorrect grammar and punctuation. Erica Gonzales

  36. what i learned from this is not to take any short cuts and to make sure you read every question, and to underline any words or transitions that you don't understand and try to figure them out. My goal is to take my time and read all the questions and take my time even if i have to stay a little into the next class

  37. I learned from spark notes to plan what youor going to write before you write it.And to edit and revise what you write so it looks good and makes sense.You also have to understand what you are reading. Also plan before you write so it makes sense and sounds good and to also have a topic sentence and conclusion and to use your own stylee.


  38. The things I learned from this is that i should eliminate all of the answers that don't make sense what so ever. Then you take out the ones that seem to not make a lot of sense. To find out if they make sense i read each word in the sentence and see if it makes sense and if it doesn't I take it out of my options with the sentences i try and make sure that the sentence sounds clear and it has a subject and a verb. make sure you over read it and not just the sentence the whole paragraph. My weakest point has to be Rhetorical.

  39. I learn that you should read or skim through the whole passage.then go over all the answers n take out the ones that you know aren't the right answers. also to under line import things.and to edit and revision your work.Appropriate Word Choice and Identifying Tone.

  40. the thing i have learnd about ACT test is that you have to really look good at the passed and if you need to read throught maybe the passed more then two times so that you could understand the qustions then that would be a good thing to do so that you know what your looking for in the qustions.

  41. I learned that from the short passages i have read were telling me that whatever i maybe reading that i have got to go over the passage and see what could be right or wrong, and do it from there. Meaning that id have to keep reading the same thing until i get it, that way i will be able to understand it before i choose something. Making sure my decision is correct, and thinknibng about how my sentences could be put or done as. And the passage made me think of the errors that can be it or waht might not be it..Knowing that you have a little choice to pick from.

  42. I learned that we need to plan ahead. planning ahead gives you a better stradegy to write your essay. Writting strategy questions will help you break down the process and really understand what the passage is talking about. I need to work on my punctuation and grammer before friday.

  43. From reading the Spark Notes Test Prep, I obtained strategies I could posess on my ACT English Test:
    *To Read The Entire Passage..
    *To Be Organized ..
    *To Have Sette Writing Style..
    *To Have Great Writing Structure..

    Mainly, what all these content areas tell me is too first have a plan ready.. "Do I know what to talk about"?..& if so "how do I use this on my test?" .. not only do you have to be prepared but to always be able to adjust to anything that will stregthen your writing/reading.
    I could use help & better myself in the all the areas honestly. I believe there is no RIGHT way to take an ACT test, but to do it your WAY. But from reading through, I gained the neccesary knowledge of always completing, questioning, & correcting myself.
    My goal is to recieve a better score generally, but to also know & understand the concepts of doing that & incorpoprating it on my score. LET'S HOPE ;)
