Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Period 6 final posting

Below, I want you to post 2 links that you found and a brief explanation of how you can compare your own understanding to the commentary you found at that site


  1. http://poestories.com/quotes.php
    What i thought was that its true that you should live for the present and not the past.
    -Ericaaaaaaa (:

  2. Oh yeah & it will help me understand poetry more.

  3. http://www.bartleby.com/142/208.html

    The poem "A noiseless patient spider is about this person that is watching a little spider spin a web and as the spider pins the web the person gets more interested until he has his full attention on the little tiny spider.

  4. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_meaning_of_the_poem_A_Noiseless_Patient_spider_in_English_by_Walt_Whitman

    -i like how this compares a spiders life to a humans-


    -this compares life to like a death-

  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Eggs_and_Ham

    Dominique said(:
    I unserstand this

  6. http://essey.blogspot.com/2003/06/e-e-cummings-who-are-youlittle-i.html

    Who are you little i

    I get from this poem hat the author talks about himself and maybe also that he still feels like as if he was very young .
    The author might want to emphasis the "i" because he doesn't capitalize it and that makes the reader think about it.

  7. http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/i-wandered-lonely-as-a-cloud/

    the poem "i wandered lonely as a cloud" is about a man that is by a lake somewhere and see a pile of daffodils and the poem just describes the daffodils.

  8. Shall i compare thee to a summers day

    I think this poem is about eternal beauty and that if you really love something and don't want to let it go it will always be the way it was when you first saw it

    Kaylene mondragon
